lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

MIGRA NEWS: ICE seeks public’s help to identify potential additional victims of Arkansas man

FORT SMITH, Ark. — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) seeks the public’s help in identifying additional victims of an Arkansas man indicted on felony cyber stalking charges in the Western District of Arkansas for sending numerous unprovoked lewd messages and videos to females across the United States.
Steven Lesmeister, 38, of Harrison, was indicted June 4 on three federal felony charges for sending unprovoked lewd messages and videos to juvenile females in Virginia, New York and North Carolina in September 2014. According to HSI investigators, Lesmeister used the fictitious Facebook profiles ofSarhhaarra Lonelygirl Henxdrixx and Chloe Jane Wilson to friend teenage girls across the United States, and then after obtaining their phone numbers and/or email addresses he sent them numerous messages and videos of himself. 
HSI special agents, the Arkansas Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force and the Harrison Police Department have reason to believe Lesmeister may have contacted numerous other victims who may be reluctant to come forward due to the content of the messages and videos.
HSI requests that anyone who has been contacted by Lesmeister through social media, and received unprovoked text messages and/or videos please contact the agency immediately by calling the 24-hour HSI Tip line at 1-866-DHS-2ICE. You can also submit an online tip at or by downloading the Operation Predator smartphone app and submitting a tip via the app. All tips will remain anonymous.
This investigation is being conducted under HSI’s Operation Predator, an international initiative to protect children from sexual predators. Since the launch of Operation Predator in 2003, HSI has arrested more than 10,000 individuals for crimes against children, including the production and distribution of online child pornography, traveling overseas for sex with minors, and sex trafficking of children. In fiscal year 2013, more than 2,000 individuals were arrested by HSI special agents under this initiative.
HSI encourages the public to report suspected child predators and any suspicious activity through its toll-free Tip Line at 1-866-DHS-2-ICE or by completing its online tip form. Both are staffed around the clock by investigators. Suspected child sexual exploitation or missing children may be reported to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, an Operation Predator partner, via its toll-free 24-hour hotline, 1-800-THE-LOST.
For additional information about wanted suspected child predators, download HSI’s Operation Predatorsmartphone app or visit the online suspect alerts page.
HSI is a founding member and current chair of the Virtual Global Taskforce, an international alliance of law enforcement agencies and private industry sector partners working together to prevent and deter online child sexual abuse.

MIGRA NEWS: USCIS Welcoming 4,000 New Citizens July 1-4 to Celebrate Independence Day

WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will celebrate the nation’s 239th birthday by welcoming more than 4,000 new U.S. citizens at over 50 naturalization ceremonies across the country July 1-4.
“As we celebrate Independence Day, we welcome over 4,000 new Americans who will be able to enjoy all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship,” said USCIS Director León Rodríguez. “From Los Angeles to New York, Miami to Seattle, Indianapolis to Los Alamos, these individuals are showing their full commitment to the freedoms, values and ideals that have inspired Americans since the Declaration of Independence in 1776.”

Citizenship candidates will take the Oath of Allegiance at locations including the New York Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center in Chicago, Seattle Center, the National WWII Museum in New Orleans and the Tower Theater in Miami. This year’s celebration also will feature ceremonies at historic sites such as George Washington’s Mount Vernon in Virginia; Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia; and the USS Midway in San Diego, California.

martes, 23 de junio de 2015

OBITUARY: Rest In Peace: Maricela López Gudiño



Maricela López Gudiño

Marzo 6, 1955 - Junio 18, 2015

Maricela López Gudiño falleció sin dolor muy temprano en la mañana del jueves, 18 de junio de 2015, en Stockton, California.  Durante su estadía en el hospital estuvo rodeada por cuatro docenas familiares y en sus momentos finales se encontraba presente su marido, tres hijos con sus esposas y su hermana menor y su cuñado.  Al morir tenía 60 años.
Maricela nació el 6 de marzo de 1955 en Guadalajara en el estado de Jalisco, México.  Pasó su infancia su ciudad natal de San Nicolás, rodeado de sus cinco hermanos Ireneo, Roberto, Joaquín, Luis, Carlos y su Tranquilina de cuatro hermanas, Margarita, Clara y Patricia.
Durante sus años de escuela secundaria, se mudó con su familia a San Francisco, donde su padre Ireneo Gudiño Rodríguez, era propietario de una gasolinera pequeña en el distrito de la misión.  En 1972, se graduó de la High School secundaria de Hayward como una "estudiante internacional", después de sus raíces familiares establecidas en Castro Valley. Ella asistió a Chabot College y trabajó hasta que conoció y se enamoró del Sr. José Luis López, Sr.,  en San José.  Se casó en 1975 en All Saints Church en Hayward.  Tuvieron sus dos primeros hijos en San José antes de asentarse definitivamente en Stockton y tener un tercer hijo.
Maricela era una madre de tiempo completo y fue socia del club "Los Guadalupanos" de San Jorge hasta establecer en 1997 junto con su esposo el taller mecánico J & C Auto.  Fue caritativa en casa, así como en la comunidad, siempre ayudando a su numerosa familia. En su tiempo libre, Maricela disfrutó jugando con sus nietos, consolar a los miembros de la familia, organizar reuniones familiares y era una ávida coleccionista de Ángeles de porcelana.  Maricela fue llena de vida, amor y vibrante hasta el final de su vida. 
Ella era una mujer inspiradora que crio a tres hombres jóvenes excepcionales, todos graduados de la High School Edison. Su hijo mayor se convirtió en un neurólogo capacitado en el Hospital Hopkins graduado en medicina de las universidades de Stanford, y UCLA.  Su segundo hijo de un científico  graduado de la UCSB y su hijo más joven que labora en una tienda de mascotas en el Delta College.
Su historia de éxito familiar apareció en diario ‘Record’ el 9 de abril de 2001.  Maricela era querida por muchos y la extrañaremos profundamente.
Ella viene precedida de la muerte de sus padres Ireneo y Amparo Gudiño, hermanos Ireneo y Roberto, todos de Castro Valley, así como, su hermana mayor Margarita Núñez de Stockton. Le sobreviven su esposo amoroso José Luis López, Sr., residente de Stockton desde 1981, empresario y miembro de Comerciantes Unidos.
También le sobreviven sus tres  hijos José Luis López, M.D. (Oakley), David López (Hayward) y Jesús López (Stockton), al igual que sus tres  nietos: Joaquín Andrés (10), Alegría Mia (8) y Karicia Nayeli (9 meses).
La vigilia de cuerpo presente para todos los que desean asistir se celebrará el miércoles, 24 de junio en la Capilla de las Palmas, así como, un servicio conmemorativo celebrando su vida el jueves, 25 de junio de las  9-11 am en la Parroquia de San Jorge en Stockton.  Las  condolencias pueden ser enviadas a su hijo el Dr. José Luis López al P.O. Box 5516, Walnut Creek, CA 94596.

Descanse en Paz


Maricela López Gudiño

March 6, 1955 to June 18, 2015

Maricela (Gudino) Lopez died painlessly early in the morning on Thursday, June 18, 2015, in Stockton, California.  She was surrounded by four dozen family members in her final days at the hospital and in her final moments she was held by her husband, three sons and their wives, and her youngest sister and brother-in-law.  She was 60 years old.
Maricela was born on March 6, 1955 in Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.  She spent her childhood between the city and her hometown of San Nicolas surrounded by her five brothers Ireneo, Roberto, Joaquin, Luis, and Carlos, and her four sisters Tranquilina, Margarita, Clara, and Patricia.  During her high school years, she moved with her family to San Francisco, where her father Ireneo Gudino Rodriguez, owned and operated a small gasoline station in the Mission District.  In 1972, she graduated from Hayward High School as an “international student,” after her family set roots in Castro Valley. She attended Chabot College and worked until she met and fell in love with Mr. Jose Luis Lopez, Sr., in San Jose.  They married in 1975 at All Saints Church in Hayward.  They had their first two children in San Jose before settling permanently in Stockton and having a third son.
Maricela was a full-time mother and member of St. George’s “Los Guadalupanos” club until establishing J&C Auto Motor with her husband in 1997.  She was charitable at home as well as in the community, always helping her extended family. In her spare time, Maricela enjoyed playing with her grandchildren, comforting family members, organizing family gatherings and was an avid collector of porcelain angels.  Maricela was full of life, love, and vibrant until the end.  
She was an inspiring woman who raised three outstanding young men, all graduates of Edison High School. Her eldest son became a Hopkins-trained neurologist (Stanford, UCLA); her second son a scientist (UCSB), and her youngest son a pet shop assistant (Delta College).  Her family success story was featured in The Record on April 9, 2001.  Maricela was loved by many and will be dearly missed.
She is preceded in death by her parents Ireneo and Amparo Gudino, brothers Ireneo and Roberto, all of Castro Valley, as well as, her elder sister Margarita Nunez of Stockton. She is survived by her loving husband Jose Luis Lopez, Sr., Stockton resident since 1981, business owner and member of Comerciantes Unidos.  She is also survived by her three sons Jose Luis Lopez, M.D. (Oakley), David Lopez (Hayward), Jesus Lopez (Stockton), as well as, three grandchildren:  Joaquin Andres (10), Alegria Mia (8), and Karicia Nayeli (9 months).
A public viewing and vigil will be held on Wednesday, June 24th at Chapel of the Palms, as well as, a memorial service celebrating her life on Thursday, June 25th at 9-11am at St. George’s Parish in Stockton, for all who would like to attend.  Condolences may be sent to her son Dr. Lopez at P.O. Box 5516, Walnut Creek, CA 94596.



ESTUDIOS BIBLICOS: La Universal Life Church de California, ofrece estudios bíblicos en la ciudad de Querétaro, México de jueves a domingo. Los estudios se ofrecen en un domicilio particular un día para estudiar el Antiguo Testamento y el otro para el Nuevo Testamento además tenemos clases bíblicas para nuevos creyentes, clases de inglés y teatro. Los estudios bíblicos son capitulo por capitulo, verso por verso. Los interesados en conocer la Palabra y Sabiduría de Dios hagan favor de escribir para inscribirse a: o visitar nuestra página web:

TRAMITES MIGRATORIOS A EE.UU: Turismo—Perdones—Apelaciones. Pasaporte Mexicano y de EE.UU. · Bolsa de Trabajo para EE.UU. · Trámites Burocráticos (SAT-SRE) Querétaro, México. Contacto: FB: FLAGS Despacho Migratorio. E-mail o el blog: Haga cita hoy mismo 011521 442-458-4683.

AYUDA LEGAL EN LA FRONTERA: Migrant Exudus Unlimited, SA de CV es un despacho jurídico que ofrece ayuda legal en materia migratoria para trabajar y vivir legamente en Estados Unidos. Las oficinas se encuentran en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Hable a Laredo, Texas al (956) 763-7456 o escriba a: Visite nuestro blog: Face Book: MEU Counselors. 

PLACING AN AD IN OUR BLOG: Please call our office at (925) 289-9765. E-mail Our rates are very low. Call us in the USA at (925) 289-9765 or in Mexico call 011521 442-461-9107.

PUBLIQUE SU CLASIFICADO: Llame en EE.UU al 925-289-9765 o en México al 011521 442-461-9107.

OUR FAITH: Confessing our sins

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.

James 5:16 NIV

When we hear the word "confession" in a religious context the image that probably most comes to mind is that of a Catholic priest hearing a list of sins, the person expresses regret, is given something to do as penance, then is absolved. Only the priest, as the earthly representative of GOD may forgive.
Well, if you're in an Alcoholic Anonymous session you can tell the things you've done wrong to your sponsor (in fact it's one of the steps). While he can't forgive you in GOD's name (according to the Church) he can help you come to terms and make yourself ready to make amends (the next step) with those you have wronged. Then you go out and ask those people to forgive you themselves.
There was a study once I read of that determined soldiers who were of a religion that had a formal process of confession suffered fewer emotional problems than those who did not. Speaking it out loud, expressing regret, and being told they were forgiven made the memories of what had been done bearable.
But can you truly be forgiven by GOD without a priest or other human authority? Look to the Bible. In James 5:16 it is to EACH OTHER we should confess. Not a priest, not a minister. Then you pray for each other. The verse says "so that you will be healed." Our Mediator, Christ Jesus, by whom our sins are paid for in full, many times combined forgiveness of sins with healing.
So finding a trusted person to tell your sins to helps. Each listens compassionately and non-judgementally to the other. They express their regret to GOD praying for and with each other. And, according to GOD's Word, they are healed. Amen!

Confesión de nuestros pecados

Cuando oímos la palabra «confesión» en un contexto religioso, la imagen que probablemente a la mayoría le viene a la mente es la de un sacerdote católico que escucha de su feligrés una lista de pecados, la persona expresa con la idea de ser absuelto a cambio de hacer algo como penitencia. De esta forma, sólo el sacerdote, como representante terrenal de Dios puede perdonar.
Bueno, si usted está en una sesión de Alcohólicos Anónimos puede decir las cosas que ha hecho mal a su patrocinador (de hecho es uno de los pasos). Pero él no puede perdonar en nombre de Dios (según la iglesia) él puede ayudarle a aceptar y para que se sienta usted listo para hacer las paces (el siguiente paso) con quienes usted ha ofendido. Luego salir uno mismo a pedir perdón a esas personas.
Hubo un estudio que leí una vez sobre determinados soldados que eran de una religión y tenían un proceso formal de la confesión. Ellos sufrieron menos problemas emocionales de aquellos que no tenían una forma de confesar sus males.
Hablando en voz alta, expresaron su arrepentimiento y dijeron y sintieron que fueron perdonados haciendo soportable los recuerdos de lo malo que había hecho.
Pero, ¿puede usted realmente ser perdonado por Dios sin un sacerdote u otra autoridad humana? Hay que leer la Biblia en Santiago 5:16 que nos dice que hay que confesarnos mutuamente. No ante un sacerdote, ni tampoco ante un ministro.
‘Por eso, confiésense unos a otros sus pecados, y oren unos por otros, para que sean sanados. La oración del justo es poderosa y eficaz’.
Entonces hay que orar unos por los otros. El versículo dice " para que sean sanados." Nuestro Mediador es Cristo Jesús, es quien paga nuestros pecados en su totalidad, muchas veces combinamos el perdón de los pecados con la sanación.

Así que hay que encontrar ayuda en una persona de confianza para contar los pecados. Cada uno escucha con compasión y sin mentalidad juzgadora a la otra persona. Expresan su pesar a Dios orando por y con los demás. Y, según la palabra de Dios, las heridas serán sanadas. İAmén!


National Council of La Raza

Dear Editor Armando Garcia:

Three years ago this week, President Obama announced that he would provide administrative relief to millions of young people who came to the United States as children and meet certain requirements.

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program allows undocumented immigrants who are younger than 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012, and meet other criteria to apply to stay in the U.S. and receive work authorization.

It was a hard-won victory for people who have only ever called the U.S. their home. And we are already seeing how DACA allows recipients to continue contributing to our country. In the first two years after implementation:
  • 60% of DACA recipients obtained a new job
  • 49% opened bank accounts
  • 33% got their first credit card
  • 57% got a driver’s license
DACA is still available under the 2012 guidelines. You can learn how to apply here or by downloading NCLR’s Immigo app for free from iTunes or the Google Play store.

Administrative relief translates into real benefits for the whole country, and it ensures that we keep families together. On this third anniversary, let’s guarantee the promise of the American Dream by working to expand DACA and implement its sister program, DAPA!

Laura Vazquez

P.S.—Join us on Facebook as we celebrate this great program and push for the expansion of DACA.

MIGRA NEWS: Busy Weekend for Border Patrol Agents assigned to the Laredo Sector

LAREDO, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents from the Laredo Sector significantly disrupted criminal organization activities over the weekend as they rescued illegal immigrants, detained subject with a criminal sexual crime, and made a significant narcotic seizure.
On June 19, at approximately 11:00PM, Laredo North Station agents assigned to the Border Patrol checkpoint located on Interstate Highway 35, rescued 37 illegal immigrants concealed inside a tractor-trailer.  The driver was referred to secondary inspection where the agents discovered the undocumented immigrants in the unventilated cargo area. All of the undocumented immigrants were from Mexico.
On June 19, Laredo Sector agents assigned to the Hebbronville Station made a significant arrest of an illegal immigrant while working their assigned duties.  The male subject, 27, from Mexico, had been charged and convicted in 2008 for statutory sodomy-1st degree, child molestation and 1st degree sexual misconduct involving a child under the age of 18 in Bridgeton, Missouri, and was sentenced to 2-years of confinement. The subject will be prosecuted for re-entry into the United States (8 USC 1326) and will be presented in Magistrate Court.
On June 20, Laredo North Station agents assigned to the Border Patrol Checkpoint on Interstate Highway 35 encountered a Mazda vehicle at the primary inspection lane.  As the driver was being questioned of their immigration status, a service canine alerted to the car, subsequently the agent referred the driver to secondary for further inspection.  While at secondary, agents conducted a closer and thorough inspection of the vehicle, subsequently finding several black bundles wrapped in tape that tested positive for cocaine.  A total of 12 bundles were removed from the car.  The contraband weighed over 30 pounds and has a street value of $969,600.00 USD.  The narcotics, vehicle, and subject were turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.  
The Laredo Border Patrol Sector is part of the Joint Task Force West South Texas Corridor, which leverages federal, state and local resources to combat transnational criminal organizations.  To report suspicious activity such as drug and/or alien smuggling, contact the Laredo Sector Border Patrol toll free telephone number at 1-800-343-1994.

Starting today: Migra News

U.S. Mexico Border. Photos by LAGA News Photography

Starting today, Nuestra America News will begin publishing in English language a section entitled "Migra News." (Migra is the nickname used by Hispanic communities in the USA and along the Southern Border when referring to federal immigration agents.)

This new section will publish Government news of the Federal agencies responsible for monitoring the border between Mexico and the United States. This decision comes in order to give a news balance of objectivism to immigration events in the troubled border between the two countries.

Nuestra America, will continue to publish in Spanish 'La Migra y Usted’ a column written by our editor and founder Armando Garcia, that analyzes immigration laws in the United States, border news, answering questions from readers, and comments on decisions made by the U.S. Congress and State Legislatures about immigration issues affecting migrants, within and outside the United States.

Readers will continue sending their immigration questions to:  For legal help visit the page:  or call to (956) 763-7456 or (925) 289-9765 to schedule an appointment with an immigration practitioner. In Mexico call 442-497-1360.
For comments about this editorial decision, please write to:



El Rio Bravo. Foto por LAGA News Photography

Empezando hoy, Nuestra América News comenzará a publicar en idioma inglés una sección titulada “Migra News’. Esta sección publicará las noticias gubernamentales de las agencias federales encargadas de vigilar la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos. Esta decisión viene a dar un balance noticioso y objetivista a los acontecimientos migratorios en la conflictiva frontera entre los dos países.

Nuestra América News, continuará publicando ‘La Migra y Usted’ que analiza las leyes migratorias en Estados Unidos, los acontecimiento fronterizos, preguntas de lectores, más las decisiones del Congreso estadounidense y las legislaturas estatales sobre asuntos migratorios que afecten a la población migrante, dentro y fuera de Estados Unidos.

Para preguntas de los lectores en materia migratoria, escriban a: . Para ayuda legal pueden visitar la página: o hablen al (956) 763-7456 o al (925) 289-9765 para agendar una cita. En México pueden llamar al 442-497-1360.
Para comentarios sobre esta decisión, pueden escribir a:




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