lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2024

Análisis a Fondo: Reforma Judicial, Asunto de México; nada tiene que decir EE.UU.

By Francisco Gómez Maza

Mexico's partners in the USMCA (USMCA Agreement) Mexico, the United States and Canada), through their diplomatic representatives in Mexican territory, especially the government of the United States, forgot and they forget it every time they try to impose their supremacy in the region of America in the North and in the Western Hemisphere, that each of the three countries is sovereign; that is, they exercise or possess supreme and independent authority about themselves, it hurts whoever it hurts, mainly the State Department, which commands the ultra imperialist Anthony Blinken. Americans don't understand, including the North Americans of the English Dominion of Canada, and less so Ambassador Ken Salazar, that the government of Mexico has absolute power to govern the Mexican. It does not enter U.S. territory, and even less so in U.S. territory not even to give an opinion on the government policy of both nations. The Mexicans behave according to the axiom of President Benito Juárez Garcia, who says: "Among individuals as among nations, respect for the the right of others is peace."

The U.S. ambassador explained that the Election of judges by popular vote puts democracy at risk as well as the trade relationship with the United States, and assured that this factor would facilitate the entry of organized crime. Last Thursday 22 of August 2024, Ambassador Ken Salazar issued a statement where contradicts the judicial reform and assures that the election of judges by Popular vote is a historic threat. "I say it with all respect, because yes I recognize the need, very necessary, for a reform, but a good reform", Said. Ken Salazar, U.S. ambassador to Mexico criticized the Reform of the Judiciary proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in February 2024; said its approval could put the economic relationship between the two nations at risk.

In recent days they have caused a stir orchestrated by the right-wing opposition and led by the PRIAN in against the President of the Republic mainly because of the Judicial Reform which proposes as the center of the restructuring the democratic election of the judges, magistrates and ministers of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, as well as against the corruption that corrodes the feet of the head to that power of the Mexican government. It is worth mentioning, for example, the great corruption that exists in the exercise of nepotism at all levels of that power. There is corruption, even in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in the first place in defense of the big capitalists. There are files, for example, of multimillion-dollar tax evasion by businessmen who, due to their acts, turn out to be members of the delinquency that the President of the republic calls white-collar crime, but they are actually part of the of organized crime. And there are plenty of names of businessmen who are dedicated to loot the coffers of the Treasury of the Federation because they do not pay thousands of millions of pesos in taxes.

Even the press and specifically the newspaper of the capital Washington has launched itself against the government of Mexico, exalting the recent statements by Ambassador Salazar attacking the initiative by Congress of the Union to put the election of judges to the electoral count, magistrates, ministers among other judicial positions.

But he has no right or reason, for only To mention a representative of a foreign government, Ambassador Salazar in to question the decision of the President of the Mexican Republic to initiate the reform of the Judiciary, a power sunk in corruption and at the service of the privileged class, as well as at the service of crime. So serious is the situation, that the President of the Republic has paused the relationship with the embassies of the United States of America and the Dominion of Canada in reaction to the decision of those two governments to question and intervene in the Mexican government policy. The interventionist policy, especially of the Washington government, represented by Ken Salazar, has to stop, warns President López Obrador, something that in reality is only a wish, a dream of the Mexican president, since the government of Washington, whoever is in power, the White House, is convinced that the United States is the owner of the hemisphere and seeks to take over the Middle and Far East. However the President of Mexico declared in his morning conference on Tuesday August 27, which begins a pause in the relationship with the embassy of United States headed by Ken Salazar, after criticism made in against the Reform of the Judiciary. "I hope there is on their part a ratification that they will be respectful of the independence of Mexico, of the sovereignty of our country (...), as long as there is no such thing and they continue with that policy, then there is a pause with the embassy," said the Mexican president. What will happen, then, with the judicial reform. For now, Salazar should know that the matter of judicial reform is a matter exclusive to Mexico and Mexico does not have to discuss the matter with Biden's representative.

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