lunes, 2 de julio de 2018

EDITORIAL: The Mexican people have fulfilled their vote, now it's up to AMLO to fulfill his promises

By Armando García

This July first, Mexico has taken a giant step in the development of its democracy. He has chosen Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), candidate of the MORENA party to occupy the presidency of the Republic.

All this happens to almost a century of the founding of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), it happens after half century of the genocide of 1968 and to 47 years of the student slaughter of 1971, both perpetrated by a PRI government and, also occurs after 30 years of struggle by Candidates cataloged to be leftist to conquer a place in Los Pinos (The Presidential Residency).

With the triumph of AMLO, justice is done to all those martyrs who gave their lives to see a different Mexico. Justice is done to all those who have left the fight because they are no longer with us in this world. Justice for sure is served for those who continue, can, in life, see the reality of the dreams of many, to see the PRI, and the National Action Party (PAN) away from the Executive Branch.

AMLO won, but the fight for a better Mexico is just beginning. It should not be hope that next December 1, when AMLO receives the presidential band, all the problems of impunity, violence, misery, corruption, oppression; etc., will disappear. The process of a radical change in relieving Mexico of all the ills caused by all those who have ruled the country since the triumph of the Mexican Revolution of the last century, to date, is just beginning.

Perhaps, not during the six years-AMLO's administration, the country's ills could be resolved, but for sure it is to be expected that he is obliged to govern not only to all the 53% of those who voted for him. But to all Mexicans, of all social levels. Both poor and rich. As entrepreneurs and workers. AMLO does have to give immediate results because he promised or raised a lot of hopes, so that the confidence placed on him by the people’s vote is not lost.

It is very sure, that many on the left, both moderate or militant in popular organizations, were divided on whether AMLO is or was a leftist. I think AMLO, is what history put in the hands of the Mexican people’s vote. The people had their limits of the many unfulfilled promises, so many lies believed as truths, made when both the PRI or PAN were in power, including also those pronounced by the party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). One things for sure, is that AMLO, as of December 1, will be the President of Mexico.

To close, I can say that it is very commendable the way in which the opponents of AMLO, mainly those of the PRI and PAN, very democratically, conceded by granting the results of the elections, and offered to be able to join or be part AMLO’s plans for the welfare of Mexico.

Nuestra América Magazine, until the body endures, will continue writing about Latin American and United States news and, due to the triumph of AMLO, we will not lower the guard, because within its sympathizers are many journalists, intellectuals, artists, actors, actresses, painters, muralists; workers and peasants; etc., which in their youth and even in old age, have been persecuted for their political and social ideas. The victory of AMLO does justice to all who are absent and being missed.

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