jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019

AMLO opponents launch attacks

By Armando García

Mexico is experiencing a transformation that faces strong opposition from those who are no longer in power but are present in the life of the country.
The transformation that Mexico is experiencing can be said to be unique, since without discharging bullet shot, the left as it has been called to the movement of the MORENA Party, has taken power.
The opponents of the administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) have the means to discredit him, comparing him with the leftist regimes in Latin America, which for them and for the US Imperialism, are totalitarian countries, proletarian dictatorships and all the negative adjectives applying to them.
The crisis that Mexico is experiencing is not the product of the new administration, it what was left by the previous administrations of presidents coming from the PRI and PAN parties. Now they, from the social networks and the media controlled by them, launch battle attacks against AMLO, asking for his resignation.
When the adversaries of AMLO were in power, they considered him a real danger. Now that he is president, they do not stop trying to finish him by using social networks and waving their supporters even to demonstrate against him.
When the rich and powerful were in power, the poor, the destitute, the exploited and humiliated, manifested themselves and in most of the time, they were repressed, disappeared, and even assassinated. Now that AMLO is in power, the rich are those who manifest themselves in full freedom and have not been repressed or disappeared or killed.
AMLO in little more than five months in power, many of his campaign promises have already become laws. There is no doubt that Mexico with AMLO is deeply involved in political and social changes, which were initiated since the nineteenth century by Hidalgo and Morelos, continued by Juárez, the Flores Magón brothers, Madero, Zapata, Villa and General Lázaro Cárdenas.
With AMLO, neoliberalism becomes a thing of the past, a system that isolated the state and ceded all or much to foreign or powerful interests. Now those powerful manipulate any data, photographs or statistics to attack AMLO.
A few days ago, a news item was published saying that AMLO lost 7 popularity points in less than a month, according to the survey conducted by Consulta Mitofsky, leaving the president at 60.3% according to the study.
Consulta Mitofsky, which is a company dedicated to make reference to surveys, market research and public opinion said that AMLO "is not at its best," because it has lost two points less in just one week and four and a half fifteen days ago , which means 7% less since April 14, which was when the survey began.
The president of the company Consulta Mitofsky, Roy Campos, explained that it seems that there are two factors that led to this fall:
"One, the daily evidence of insecurity that the media is informing us and two, the permanent polarization that López Obrador is doing." Campos added that "However, that 60% that still holds is higher than all the approvals that Enrique Peña Nieto had in the entire six-year term" and he added "Then you cannot say that it is a low data, simply that it is not in its best moment".
Also, Campos mentioned that some of the things that AMLO said in the campaign were symbolically fulfilled and therefore he entered the government with a very high approval, even comparing this case of high and low percentages with the case of Lula da Silva in Brazil, who arrived highly approved and in the first year he took out all the reforms and changed other things, all at the cost of his popularity.
Isabel Castaneda, an ordinary citizen says: "The consultation is made by PRI and panistas, it is clear that they will give those numbers, but among all the people I know has not changed anything with respect to the approval of the AMLO government."
Didia Hernandez, another citizen states: "They would like it to be true, but my president’s popularity is higher than ever.”
The journalist Ángel Guerra rightly says: "The crisis in Mexico originated, not only because of the failure of the neoliberal economic model, applied in the last 36 years, but because of the predominance ... of the most impudent public and private corruption. Nothing has harmed Mexico more than the dishonesty of the rulers and the small minority that has profited from influence. That is the main cause of economic and social inequality and of the insecurity and violence that we suffer. "
AMLO, before the demonstration against him on May 5 and his supposed decline in popularity recently said in his morning press conference that "Our adversaries want us to go wrong. I will not stop mentioning it because I know them. 'I know you cod, even if you come in disguise.' I know that they bring that strategy, that noisy rumors that does not obey to reality".
 "And it is natural, there is a change of regime and neoliberal politics is over, neoliberal politics are abolished in Mexico. And they do not like that, it's more, they do not assimilate it, it's hard for them to work. It was 36 years, I've always said it, 34 years were during the porfiriato, the neoliberal period lasted 36 years," the president said. "So, that's over, they're upset and now they have financing from other parties and they surely have the slogan of being against us."
AMLO every time he speaks, he reminds the population and his opponents of the history of looting that the neoliberal governments did and now he shows the progress of the programs initiated in his administration.
"The economy is very good. We do not have an inflation problem; jobs are being created. Imagine, when they had put into practice a program that in five months would give jobs to 500 thousand young people? When? At the rate of 100 thousand young people per month ".
When a government had started a program to give 400,000 jobs to peasants to plant fruit or timber trees?
When a government had invested 110 billion pesos to guarantee the pension to all the elderly in the country?
When had a government decided to give 10 million scholarships to students?
When had a government implemented an austerity policy like this one?
When were the salaries of senior public officials reduced?
When had the president been seen not being guarded for by eight thousand elements of the Presidential Elite Soldiers?
When had the president been seen transporting himself on commercial airplanes or by road?
They do not like that, "said the president. "So, all this, well, they do not like it now that corruption is a serious crime. Let's see, how do you explain to me, not you, the analysts, the experts, politicians, sociologists, economists, philosophers, etcetera, etc., how do you explain to me that from 1994 to date corruption was not considered a serious crime?
"So, now they throw themselves asking questions. They will have all the freedom of manifestation; we will always be respectful of freedom of expression. Ah, but I will not stop exercising my right of reply. "

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