jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2019

White House Responds on the Impeachment

Nancy Pelosi is Stalling on the Impeachment Trial Because She Knows Democrats Messed Up

“Nancy Pelosi isn't stupid. The speaker of the House knows her party screwed up their ridiculous and desperate impeachment push, apparently not having thought things fully through,” Eddie Scarry writes in the Washington Examiner.

“Immediately after her party voted, with a few Democratic defections, to impeach President Trump, she threatened to withhold sending both approved articles to the Senate for a trial.” Why did House Democrats go through a rushed impeachment process if the charges might not even be sent to the Senate?

“The answer is obvious. Public support for impeachment and removal cratered after the congressional hearings last month”—particularly among independents.

Must-read4 Reasons Trump’s Impeachment Is The Weakest In U.S. History
“House Democrats voted Wednesday evening to impeach Donald Trump but, media high-fives aside, what have they accomplished? They have failed to persuade the country; they have set a new, low standard for impeaching a President; [and] Mr. Trump will be acquitted in the Senate,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.
“Several Washington Post reporters were under fire late Wednesday night for celebrating ‘Impeachmas’ following the impeachment of President Trump . . . ‘Merry Impeachmas from the WaPo team!’ WaPo Congress reporter and CNN political analyst Rachael Bade remarked in the post,” Joseph Wulfsohn reports for Fox News.
“There is a reason why impeachment is so rare: It is the process by which the Congress overturns the will of the people. Some 63 million Americans voted for Trump, and it is an intensely powerful action to disenfranchise them . . . Congressional Democrats are setting a dangerous precedent by which any future president may be impeached for political and policy disagreements,” Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) writes in USA Today.

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