viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2019

“We are not homeland sellers” López Obrador

By Armando García 

The Social networks, the Mexicans media, and other news organizations are talking about the threat from President Donald J. Trump to label  Mexican drug cartels as terrorists. The above, apparently, was requested directly to Trump  by a member of the American LeBaron Mormon family, residing in Mexico because nine of  his family members were killed by the drug cartels operating in Mexican territory.
That incident, apart from others, has caused the adversaries of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to incite the population and right-wing sectors to remove AMLO from office. And applauding a possible US intervention to overthrow AMLO.
The seriousness of the matter must be considered very dangerous, since as in other countries, the United States, without warning would deploy its troops in Mexico if the drug cartels become considered terrorist groups.
Undoubtedly another page is opening in the history of US invasions in Mexico, the last one occurred in 1914 years after the XIX century war between the two countries, where Mexico lost  more than half of its territory. Now the rumors of a possible intervention or invasion are heard again. I believe that now is the time for Mexicans to make their  National anthem a reality: Mexicans to the Cry of War against any interference in their country.
Mexicans historically are anti American. It could be considered a contradiction, but it is a reality. The Mexican writer Max Villareal, in his book “Los Primos” (The cousins), writes about the American intervention by saying:
“With the creation of its large banks, World, Inter-American, Development, etc.… with which the Mexican people are sold, for at least, three more generations; that if we do not continue to borrow because we only produce to pay the interest, since the capitals, these, were taken by politicians who have governed us mainly the last thirty years and specifically in the presidential periods of Salinas… and Zedillo. And more and more programs, agreements, treaties, compromises, lobbying, many still hidden from public opinion and in all, the only winner economically, have been the United States.”
President AMLO emphasized that his Government will not allow any action that puts his sovereignty at risk.
Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said that "Mexico will never admit any action that means violation of its national sovereignty."
"We do not want interference from any power, from any hegemony, from any foreign country. Our Constitution is very clear. "We are not homeland sellers. We are not going to allow any threat, any intervention from abroad," said the Mexican president. "This issue is covered by international jurisdiction and relies on international treaties and bilateral agreements."
AMLO summed up his position in four words: COOPERATION YES - INTERVENTION NO. The Aztec president stressed that he will not allow any threat of intervention from any foreign country. The US is in an election period and is the time when the passions are lift. And he demanded that the self-determination of all peoples must be respected.
"Hypocrites send weapons, buy coca, train narcos, infiltrate government and then intend to sink nations," said reader Yohana Guzman. “Mexico is not Vietnam, we will be your worst nightmare if you want to, because we were born to die and have no fear of dying. Long live Mexico, and my president, it is better one day standing than a thousand years on my knees.”
I think the Mexican right wing is celebrating. An opportunity came right on time to discredit the AMLO government. I also think they were waiting for this to happen after they fail to let the military rise against the president, and other option was for Trump to say something. And they got it.
Such action, if realized, would be a carte blanche for the United States government, without prior notice, to intervene directly in Mexico, under the excuse of going after the terrorist cartels operating in Mexico.
“Julián LeBaron will be happy. Those who applaud the threat of intervention by the United States are also ignorant,” said Mexican legislator Gerardo Fernández Noroña “They already forgot that in one of those interventions we lost 60% of the territory. But in addition, those who applaud and really believe that US will save them, they would be the first to be massacred. They do not know about the racism that moves the United States Government and part of its people. We are not going to tolerate any intervention by the US army in Mexico.”
President Obrador said Mexico will defend his sovereignty and he is very optimistic says that there is nothing to fear, because his government has a policy of cooperation and not confrontation. He said he saw a foreign interference in Mexico very unlikely.
"And if in a remote case they acted against us," said the president, "We would go to international court."
AMLO said that in talks with Trump, they both clarified that they don't want to fight. "He will not engage in a feud," said AMLO. "Never".
AMLO concluded by saying that art in politics was made to avoid confrontation.

Armando García is a journalist from the United States. He is the editor and founder of Nuestra América Magazine and has worked in various media in the United States and Latin America.

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