miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2020

DNC on the State of the Union

Donald Trump just wrapped up his State of the Union. After listening closely to his lies, one thing is certain: Trump will continue to deceive the American people and disgrace our democracy -- while Democrats have your back on the issues that matter most. We have no choice but to do all that we can to get this president out of the White House and elect Democrats down the ticket.
On Jobs and Income Growth

Trump inherited Obama's economy, which was marked by strong job and wage growth. Thanks to Trump and the GOP's economic policies that only help those at the very top, both job and income growth have slowed. Democrats in Congress have passed policies to improve the lives of average Americans, including the Raise the Wage Act that now sits in the Senate, gathering dust under Mitch McConnell's watch.
A majority of Americans say Trump’s economy only helps the already wealthy -- while hurting the poor and middle class. 
On Your Health Care
The Trump administration has repeatedly attacked Obama-era health care policies, including protections for people with preexisting conditions. Trump’s sabotage has already hurt millions of Americans, and he continues to threaten the health care of families across the country. Meanwhile, Democrats have prioritized making health care more affordable, protecting people with preexisting conditions, and offering proposals to lower prescription-drug prices, including the recently passed Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act.
Democrats bring affordable health care plans to the table while Trump and his GOP allies threaten to take health care away.

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