jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

France Reports on Coronavirus

The anger of a doctor at the lack of respect for the slogans against the Coronavirus. ” That is risking others. "

English translation by Armando Garcia

BFMTV, March 16, 2020

A doctor angered against the disrespect of the slogans against the Coronavirus. "It is putting others in danger."
The doctor saw fit to seriously lash those people who do not respect the recommendations of the health authorities and who even evoke a “lack of civility”, which “could be paid very expensive collectively”.

Have the French taken the necessary measures between the epidemic that is currently afflicting the country?
The day after the announcement of the closure of the places that welcome, that serve the public but that "are not indispensable", the images of crowds of people in the markets or in the parks this Sunday, made numerous doctors jump.
Dr. Agnés Giannotti, a general practitioner and vice president of the MG France Syndicate (general practitioners of France) who had been invited at night on the TV network. BFMTV expressed its desire to remember the important gestures in this period of confinement: “It is time for all of us to mobilize. Confinement measures have a double aspect: "You protect yourself and you protect others too." He started by saying before taking an example from the everyday.

“I was in the subway, we were tight against each other and I said to the person behind me: Could you do a meter back? People laughed, "she explained.
"It is not a sign of courage, it is a lack of civility."
For her this behavior is dangerous in several ways.
"I was furious because that meant:" I am strong and I am not afraid of the coronavirus. "
"OKAY. You are not afraid of the virus and perhaps you have a benign form, but those whom you are going to contaminate, do you think they will have a benign form? A sign of courage is respecting the recommended distance meter between individuals "- she adds.
In the presence of the Minister in charge of the City and of housing, Julien Denormandie, the health professional also recalled the importance of confinement for the days to come.
"You have to have as few contacts as possible outside of those that consist of buying your food, going to the doctor if you are sick," she says.
"It is not a sign of courage to resist that, it is rather a lack of civility and it is putting others in danger," she said. "We risk paying it very expensive collectively."

"We risk paying it collectively very expensive"

Dr. Alain Ducardonnet, health consultant for BFMTV, joined his reflection, who considers that total confinement is "probable". "We will be forced to make a little more effort, it is the only way we can have."
For Agnés Giannotti, the tone from now on must be made harder; faced with the disease suffered by more and more French people, of all ages.
“I have a different discourse since the face of the epidemic has changed. One sees that there are young people who have severe forms of the disease. These are less numerous than the elderly, but there are. This epidemic can affect everyone and if we are not careful, we collectively risk paying dearly for it ”- she concluded.

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