lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

WWIII: A 21st Century Enemy

By David Andersson
The whole world is at war with an almost unknown enemy, one with a sophistication that challenges our 21st century technology. And it looks like the coronavirus is currently winning.
The consequences of the pandemic will be disastrous for millions of people all over the world, but as opposed to WWII, there will be no bombs dropped, no nuclear weapons, no tanks, no air strikes, no vessels or submarines destroyed. It is war without any military.
Everyday country after country is going into lockdown mode and declaring a state of emergency. The world economy is collapsing, schools are closing, events canceled. air transportation is almost nonexistent, people are losing their daily incomes, stores are closing…. and for who knows how long.
Why are we in this situation? Why are we almost paralyzed and having a hard time figuring out a response to this pandemic? Why we didn’t we see this enemy coming?
We have been believing and investing in a very different set of enemies. We believe in wars against other countries,. We believe in violence as a way to resolve conflict. We believe in immoral nuclear weapons (“Obama Backs Biggest Nuclear Arms Buildup Since Cold War” Forbes 12/15/2015). In January 2019 the National Intelligence published a long list of the National Security Threats and there was nothing about pandemic viruses (“These Are the Top 26 National Security Threats Facing America” 12/03/2019 The US continues to invest heavily in military (“Trump’s 2021 budget gives 55% to the military” National Priorities, 2/10/2020).
Our world intelligence is unadapted to the 21st century. It is difficult to imagine but there has been NO emergency meetings of either the G20 or the UN Security Council, just before or after the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic (“WHO declares the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic” Stat News 03/01/2020). The WHO is barely able to keep tabs on the day to day process of the pandemic. There is no political motivation to work collegially, for example by bringing top scientists of each country together to map a plan to stop and eradicate the virus. There is many urgent decisions to be made and here are the most important:
  • Countries have to move 50% of their military budget to urgent relieve fund for people lost income, free loan and health coverage.
  • Military personal need to be transferred to humanitarian and health relief efforts to protect the general population.
  • We need to see the immediate implementation of a Universal Basic Income for everyone covering the basic needs of every individual.
  • Make health care free and accessible to everyone.
  • Suspend residential eviction proceedings.
  • Expand the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to guaranty that everyone has access to decent food.
Making these proposals a reality will mean that we are changing the system of beliefs that created this pandemic in the first place. That we are moving in a new direction and willing to make an effort to open the future for everyone.
As Silo synthesized during his speech at the First Annual Celebration of Silo’s Message in Punta de Vacas, Argentina on May 4th, 2004:
“We are at the end of a dark period in history and nothing will ever be the same as before. Little by little, the dawning of a new day will come. Cultures will begin to understand one another; the peoples will experience a growing yearning for progress for all, understanding that progress for the few ends up being progress for no one. Yes, there will be peace, and out of necessity it will be understood that the outline of a universal human nation is taking shape.”

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